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作者:   来源:      发布日期:2023-10-30   浏览:

刘迎春 Yingchun Liu



刘迎春,博士,副教授,立博博彩,广东工业大学青年百人计划引进人才。2021年博士毕业于中国科学院大学(中科院广州化学研究所)高分子化学与物理专业(导师:吴昆研究员),20238月起在立博博彩化学系任教。已在Chem. Eng. J.Compos. Sci. Technol.Compos. B. Eng.Compos. Part A Appl. Sci. Manuf.ACS Appl. Nano Mater.等国际学术刊物上发表SCI论文30余篇,目前主持基金项目3项。申请/授权中国发明专利20余项。参与国家重点研发计划国家自然科学基金联合基金(面上)和中国科学院科技服务网络计划(STS计划)区域重点项目等。






2016.9-2021.6 中国科学院大学(中科院广州化学研究所)  高分子化学与物理  理学博士(导师:吴昆 研究员)

2012.9-2016.6 内蒙古民族大学  化学  理学学士





2021.06-2023.08,广东工业大学,博士后  合作导师:邱学青和秦延林 教授)






1. 广东省自然科学基金青年基金项目,主持,在研

2. 广东省青年优秀人才国际培养计划博士后项目,主持,结题

3. 广东工业大学青年百人A层次科研启动项目,主持,在研



1. Liu, Y.; Lu, M.; Wu, K. et al. Anisotropic Thermal Conductivity and Electromagnetic Interference Shielding of Epoxy Nanocomposites Based on Magnetic Driving R立博博彩ced Graphene Oxide@ Fe3O4. Composites Science and Technology 2019, 174, 1-10.

2. Liu, Y.; Wu K,; Luo F, et al. Significantly enhanced thermal conductivity in polyvinyl alcohol composites enabled by dopamine modified graphene nanoplatelets. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2019, 117: 134-143.

3. Liu, Y.; Lu, M.; Hu, Z. et al. Casein Phosphopeptide-Biofunctionalized Graphene Oxide Nanoplatelets Based Cellulose Green Nanocomposites with Simultaneous High Thermal Conductivity and Excellent Flame Retardancy. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 382, 122733.

4. Liu, Y.; Wu, K.; Lu, M. et al. Highly Thermal Conductivity and Flame Retardant Flexible Graphene/Mxene Paper Based on an Optimized Interface and Nacre Laminated Structure. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2021, 141, 106227.

5. Liu, Y.; Wu, K.; Lu, M. et al. Enhanced Thermal Conductivity of Bio-Based Epoxy-Graphite Nanocomposites with Degradability by Facile in-Situ Construction of Microcapsules. Composites Part B: Engineering 2021, 218, 108936.

6. Liu, Y.; Hu, Z.; Wu, H.; Sun, S.; Chen, L.; Wu, K.; Lin, X.; Qin, Y., In-situ construction of dense thermal conduction networks endow the polymeric composites with advanced thermal management capability and superior dielectric properties. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 449, 137753.

7. Liu, Y.; Chen, B.; Wu, K.; Lu, M.; Jiao, E.; Shi, J.; Lu, M., Ultrahigh thermal conductivity of epoxy composites based on curling bioinspired functionalized graphite films for thermal management application. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2021, 146, 106413.

8. Liu, Y.; Hu, Z.; Lyu, M.; Wu, H.; Liu, B.; Sun, S.; Lin, X.; Qiu, X.; Qin, Y., Reprocessable thermal interface materials with optimized phonon transport based on Diels-Alder click chemistry. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2023, 171, 107563.

9. Liu, Y.; Lu, M.; Wu, K.; Jiao, E.; Liang, L.; Shi, J.; Lu, M., Enhanced thermal conduction of functionalized graphene nanoflake/polydimethylsiloxane composites via thermoluminescence strategy. Composites Science and Technology 2021, 213, 108940.

10. Hu, Z.; Liu, Y.*; Lin, J.; Wu, H.; Liu, B.; Guo, W.; Lin, X.; Chen, L.; Qiu, X.; Qin, Y., Pyrene-Functionalized Alkali Lignin to Disperse Hydroxylated Boron Nitride Nanosheets in Cellulose Nanofibers for Thermal Management. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2022, 6 (1), 200-211.

11. Liu, Y.; Wu, K.; Lu, M.; Nie, S.; Chen, W.; Jiao, E.; Nan, B.; Liang, L.; Lu, M., Vertically aligned dopamine-r立博博彩ced graphene oxide with high thermal conductivity for epoxy nanocomposites. Journal of materials science 2020, 55, 8917-8929.

12. Chen, B.#; Liu, Y. #; Wu, K.; Lu, M.; Jiao, E.; Shi, J.; Lu, M., Enhanced thermal conductivity and fire safety of flexible hybrid film via synergistic effects between boron nitride and functionalized graphene. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 2022, 147 (6), 4047-4058.





1. 刘迎春, 秦延林, 胡兆颂, 漆毅, 郑嘉怡, 徐少杰, 林绪亮, 邱学青, 郑彦钦. 一种改性木质素分散剂及其制备方法和应用[P]. CN115058021A,2022-09-16.

2. 秦延林, 刘迎春, 胡兆颂, 漆毅, 郭炜奇, 郑嘉怡, 林绪亮, 邱学青, 沙欣钰. 一种木质纤维素/银三维网络骨架的制备方法及其应用[P]. CN115093717A,2022-09-23.

3. 吴昆, 刘迎春, 吕茂萍, 史珺, 吕满庚. 一种有机无机杂化的本征型液晶环氧树脂及其制备方法与应用[P]. CN112625215B,2022-12-27.

4. 吴昆, 刘迎春, 吕茂萍, 梁利岩, 史珺, 吕满庚. 一种高导热阻燃的环氧复合材料及其制备方法和应用[P]. CN110303731B,2022-01-28.

5. 吴昆, 刘迎春, 吕茂萍, 梁利岩, 史珺, 吕满庚. 一种高导热环氧树脂复合材料及其制备方法与应用[P]. CN109535659B,2021-01-22.



1. 2021中国科学院大学和北京市优秀博士毕业生




目前于轻工化工学院先进微纳结构涂膜材料与技术应课题组科研团队开展研究工作,团队负责人:张辉 教授(http://www.x-mol.com/groups/zhang_hui

